Case Studies

Wokingham council required a new 12m x 2.5m bridge to accommodate pedestrians and bridleway users crossing a shallow stream in California Public Park Wokingham. The bridge site was located in dense natural woodland with extremely soft ground conditions. The design live load was 5kn/m2 and the balustrade load was 0.74/m2.

John Sisk & Son (Holdings) Ltd required three new bridges to interoperate into the grounds in the new Centre Parcs. The bridges were 2 x flat timber bridges fully assembled 3.6m x 1.8m, 1x timber bridge with raised centre 2.6m x1.5m. The design live load was 5kn/m2 and the balustrade load was 1.4/m2

Trendgrey Construction Ltd required a new bridge over a drainage channel to interoperate into the grounds in a new build retirement estate. The bridge was made from pressure treated softwood with laminated single span beams and anti-slip boards to carry a live load of 2kN/m.